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Unapologetic Relationships Accelerator
3 month Group Program
with Gen Stoney

This program is specifically designed for ambitious
women who want to own their Unapologetic Woman energy in the boardroom and the bedroom. By enrolling in this program, you will gain insight on owning and setting boundaries, creating your standards, giving and receiving love, allowing in and creating more romance, fun and pleasure in your life. Through this work you will learn Gen’s proven tools and methods that have given countless clients great success in these areas, while also learning how to trust yourself and reclaim your voice and power on an entirely new level. This work will not just impact your life, but it will have a ripple effect on all of those around you.

Join the Unapologetic
Relationships Accelerator Now!

What are people saying about 

Gen's Coaching? 

This program is for you if  

You desire to own your worth, speak your truth, while also being adored, cherished, heard and seen for your full authentic self.  

You want to feel powerful, confident and sensual.  You desire to feel amazing in your body.  You want to soften your heart, but not lose your edge at work.  

You want romance, thriving relationships and a successful career.  

You have read the books.  

Taken the evergreen programs.  

Joined the masterclasses.  

But your self sabotaging relationship ways keep reoccurring, and you have realized that you can’t do this alone and you are searching for the right mentor.  You want to make sure that you are investing in a program and with a mentor that gets it and has tools and methods that can get you there in the most efficient way.  

I know you! I was you! & I have coached countless women over last 15 years, with similar pains as you. I have proven methods and tools, that will allow for you to come home to your unapologetic woman within and create incredible relationships and a life you have longed for!  

I work with ambitious women who have the exterior success, but are timid people pleasers, who are constantly there for everyone else and they come to me when they are ready to show up for themselves and change the patterns that are exhausting them and their relationships.

This is what we cover in the Unapologetic Relationship Accelerator, 3 month group program.

What do clients have to say about working with Gen? 

Your time is precious & potency is where it’s at! You will have the support. &You will have access to semi private group coaching to truly personalize and gain momentum and create long lasting change in your life.  

Stop waiting & Start living today! 

Join The Unapologetic Relationship Accelerator and begin taking aligned action towards your dream life today! 

&You Get To Chose Your Investment! 

What is it like being inside a group coaching program
hosted by Gen Stoney?


Join NOW & Receive a 1:1 VIP Session 

with Gen Stoney!

Unapologetic Relationships Accelerator Syllabus 

The Queens Confidence Program

• Letting go to level up. 
• Fear of being seen 
• Fear of being heard
• The art of Surrender & Self Trust

Unapologetic Boundaries Mastery 
• Childhood boundary release practice 
• Owning your codependent traits & Releasing them. 
• How to listen to your intuition.
• Setting boundaries with clarity

Mastering Unapologetic Communication 
• Saying YES to your life 
• My communication process
• How to communicate your needs so that it brings more connection.
• How to hold your power confidently through conflict 

Did you know that when You Purchase NOW, 
You will also RECEIVE
The Sacred Romance Program
---> Which =2 ADDITIONAL Months with GEN FOR FREE!!! <---
• Releasing your Love Blocks 
• Your Romantic Patterns  
• Allowing someone to see all of you 
• Why changing who you are is not the answer  
• Wortiness & Receiving wounding 
• Romantic Manifestation
• Vagina Blessing ceremony & Connecting with your pleasure center
• How to own and know your sexual desires 

This Program Is the worth the price of the Program Alone & You Get it FOR FREE because you are a Founding Member!!!!



Yes, You will have ACCESS to one of Gen's BEST Tools...
Her Guided Meditation & Tapping Vault!

35+ Guided Meditations & Tappings that have helped women to
• Fully love themselves for the first time in their lives 
• Attract High Level Partners
• See their lives vision and claim it
• Release resentments
• Soften their hearts, and connect intimately with their partner
• Having fun dating and like a Queen
• Trust themselves
• Come back home to themselves deeper than ever before
& the list goes on and on... 

Clients Results from 

working with Gen

Investment Options

PAY IN FULL=$2970 Investment 

Automatic $618 Savings

Sacred Romance Program ($1,497 Value) 

One 60 minute 1:1 VIP Session with Gen Stoney (Valued over $1500) 

Access to Gen's Tapping & Meditation Vault (Valued= $ 995)


4 Monthly Investments=$897/month 

Sacred Romance Program ($1,497 Value) 

One 30 minute 1:1 VIP Session with Gen Stoney ($750 Value) 

Access to Gen's Tapping & Meditation Vault (Valued= $ 995)


There is Even More
As an Accelerator Member, you will also receive access to

6 Semi Private Zoom Coaching Calls 
You are the woman who desires private coaching, and customized tools created just for you...but you are not ready for private coaching...This is for you!!! How it works--> You post your question 24hours or more before the call begins, and I come fully prepared with personalized tools and methods custom fit for your life. All of my clients have said that they receive huge clarity from listening to other women's questions as well. When you are in the Hot Seat, all of my focus and attention is on your needs, wants, and desires...you will have my full attention, while also having the support of the sisterhood as well. Can't make it Live? No worries, all calls are recorded and available for replay within 24hours. Need additional feedback? Post in the group or go Live in the group with your question. As a URA member you have me in your corner to answer questions and support you all along the way! 

Unapologetic Relationship Group Voxer Chat
On Tuesdays you will have me in your back pocket, and you will have the support of the sisterhood community inside the group Voxer. This is GOLD! You can listen to me in real time, and relisten. This is a HUGE asset to your growth and expansion! In the past this has only been available to my private clients, and it is now only accessible to URA members. IMPORTANT---> I love to fully serve you at my highest capacity, and thus this container will be capped at 10 women, to allow for each of you to get the attention and focus that you deserve. Once they are filled, you will only be able to receive Voxer access as a VIP Private client! 

Unapologetic Relationship Accelerator Weekly ZOOM Teaching. 
Teaching: This is recorded, and available for replay the same week. Each week we focus on one area, to bring you closer to owning your power, allowing in more love and intimacy, and coming home to yourself on a deeper level. These lessons are filled with tools, examples and personal intimate real life stories to allow for you to walk away with greater clarity, awareness and expansion in romance and life. 

Private 1:1 Onboarding welcome Zoom call
After investing in yourself, you will be added to the private community held on Facebook. Prior to starting this journey on September 19th, you will have access to schedule your 15 minute onboarding call with Gen. This will be a time where we celebrate you, walk you through the setup of the FB group and course materials, and answer any questions you may have about the program. 

Accelerator In-depth workbooks that add structure to our weekly group calls, so that you walk away with the exact blueprint knowing your homework so that you get the biggest return on your time spent and the best results.  These workbooks are absolute GOLD!

Support and Accountability inside the Private FB group. Inside the community you will be given the opportunity to post questions, celebrations, go live, and gain support, love and encouragement from fellow members and myself. Many have said that it feels like you have your own cheerleading team loving you along each step of the journey. This is a space my clients come to share intimate parts of their life, celebrate all the love and goodness happening in their lives because they are doing the work. Many women have said that it allows for them to gain inspiration and see what is truly possible. 

Access to Gen's 35 Recorded Tapping & Meditation Vault. The tappings and meditations are focused on all things unapologetic, love, life, pleasure and all things happiness. Clients have used these and said that they have helped them gain rapid release, propel their love expansion, and up-level your life. 

When do we begin You will be added to the Facebook group, and have access to the materials within 24hours after making your payment.  You will have access to join the Live Zoom teachings after you submit your onboarding google form & have your 1:1 onboarding call! 

We are so excited to have you join us in the accelerator!!! 

Xo, Gen 

Meet Gen Stoney....

Gen Stoney is a relationship coach, unapologetic woman, happily married for 12years in October, and a mom to 2 incredible boys. Women come to her feeling frustrated about their relationships & life. Women leave feeling like an empowered irresistible unapologetic woman, magnetizing the life & love of their dreams. Gen has been coaching women and has been sober from drugs and alcohol for 15 years. Gen is a 6 figure business owner, the creator and founder of Gen Stoney Coaching, and host of The Unapologetic Woman Podcast. She graduated with honors with her bachelors degree in Psychology and a minor in nutrition. She is a certified life coach, EFT practitioner, meditation guide, and chakra healer. Gen is a speaker, a #1 International Best Selling Author, and have been featured as a regular romance guest expert on FOX & The CW, in Miami & in Austin Texas. She has been featured on the the 100 TOP inspirational women globally, by the Hoinser group. This fall Gen will be speaking on stage alongside Elizabeth Gilbert, at the SheRecovers conference in Chicago. If you are ready to claim your unapologetic radiant romantic fun energized life, Gen Stoney is your person!

How is it to work with Gen?

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  • Payment

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I agree and understand that this is 3 month purchase. I understand that this is non refundable product. I understand that these next 3 months with be life changing, if I choose to do the work. Gen does not do this work for me. I understand that I need to show up, be honest, open & willing to get the results that I desire. By checking this box, I acknowledge and agree to all of the above stated.
I agree

Choose an Investment Option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($2970.00)$2970.00
  • Preferred option
    Subscription ($897.00/mnth)4x $897.00

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

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  • Total payment
  • 1xUnapologetic Relationships Accelerator$0

All prices in USD